The schedule for the next 12 weeks can be opened here. or see it below...
FEB 17th — 1. Job, Satan, & God.
The book of Job begins by introducing us to its three most significant characters: Job, Satan, and God. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas explores the difficulty of Job’s suffering, Satan’s involvement, and God’s sovereignty.
FEB 24th — 2. Pain & Suffering.
God permitted Satan to attack Job’s family and his wealth. Satan then set his aim on Job’s health. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas engages with the difficult subject of pain and suffering in the life of the believer.
MAR 3rd — 3. The Dark Night of the Soul.
The third chapter of the book of Job is one of the darkest chapters in the Bible. In the midst of his suffering, Job begins to curse the day he was born. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas explores the dark imagery Job uses to describe his suffering and how we are to understand it as Christians.
MAR 10th — 4. Miserable Comforters.
Eliphaz is the first of Job’s friends to speak, but like all of Job’s friends, he is a miserable comforter. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas explores Job’s dialogue with Eliphaz and explains his improper use of the principle of repercussion.
MAR 17th — 5. Contending with God.
Bildad the Shuhite is the next friend to speak, but like Eliphaz before him, his understanding of justice causes him to wrongly doubt Job’s innocence. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas discusses the impossibility of contending with God.
MAR 24th — 6. My Redeemer Lives.
“For I know that my Redeemer lives” are perhaps the most well-known, hope-filled words in all the book of Job. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas examines this glimpse of Job’s faith and his continued belief in the justice of God and the resurrection to come.
MAR 31st — 7. The Wisdom of God.
The perplexing reality of pain and suffering makes us ask, “Where can wisdom be found?” In this lesson, Dr. Thomas recounts Job’s asking this question and his answer, “in the Lord.”
APR 7th — 8. The Sovereignty of God.
Elihu is introduced after Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar have long concluded that Job’s suffering must be a punishment for sin. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas looks at Elihu’s contribution to the book of Job and what it teaches about the sovereignty of God.
APR 14th — 9. Out of the Whirlwind.
Finally, God speaks, answering Job out of the whirlwind with a lengthy sequence of questions that reveal to Job the true nature of his complaint. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas explains what these questions reveal about God and man.
APR 21st — 10. Behemoth & Leviathan.
God challenges Job a second time by directing his thoughts to consider Behemoth and Leviathan. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas seeks to help us identify Behemoth and Leviathan and understand why they are relevant to Job’s suffering.
APR 28th — 11. Repentance & Restoration.
The book of Job ends on a positive note of repentance and restoration. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas discusses the significance of Job’s deeper relationship with God, the reconciliation with his friends, and the enjoyment of his renewed life.
MAY 5th — 12. The Patience of Job.
James presents Job as a prime example of patience in the face of pain and suffering. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas clarifies what James means by “the steadfastness of Job” by highlighting all of the ways Job has been faithful in his suffering.