Sunday Morning Prayer Time, 9:20 AM
The Pastor, Elders and others gather for prayer prior to the worship service, in Classroom #2 (near the coat racks). All are welcome. Sunday Morning Worship, 9:30 AM Our morning worship service runs 75 minutes. Our style of worship is mostly traditional — an invocation, hymns, Scripture reading, prayer, an offering, and a sermon — yet also includes contemporary songs of praise, often led by guitar. Sermons at CPCC are expository messages on a specific text of the Bible, usually as part of a book-long series. The Lord's Supper (Communion) is celebrated on the second Sunday of each month. Sunday School Classes for All Ages, 11:00 AM Sunday School (during the school year) offers classes for all ages: Pre-K & Kindergarten, Grades 1–4, with a Boys Class and a Girls Class for older students. There is also an Adult Class in the Fireside Room taught by the Pastor. Sunday Evening Worship & Bible Study, 6:00 PM Come "as you are" on Sunday nights from 6–7 PM for our evening worship service and Bible study. We sing hymns “by request” then share & pray, followed by time in the Word. Join us! Nursery Service, 9 AM - Noon Our infant Nursery is staffed during Sunday mornings. |
What to expect on Sunday mornings...