and prayer on Wednesdays @ 10 AM & 7 PM
Please read the Health & Safety rules below.
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Health and Safety Rules
Clifton Park Community Church, 516 Moe Road, Clifton Park, NY
Due to New York State concerns over COVID-19, CPCC will observe the following rules for our gatherings. Please become familiar with them, share them with your family, and take them seriously.
- Do not come to CPCC if you are ill. Do not feel compelled to attend if you are in a high-risk category for COVID-19.
- Wash your hands thoroughly as you prepare for church, and wash your hands at the church as needed. Soap and water are great defenses.
- Please wear a face mask as you are arriving & leaving the church, and keep it on as you move about, until you (and others) are safely seated.
- No handshaking at CPCC — smile and greet one another without touching.
- Observe physical spacing of 6 feet while at CPCC; stand apart, giving others a bit of personal space too. *Parents, please explain these rules to your children.
- Singing — we will be singing during worship, and there will be a designated area (in the back of the sanctuary) for non-singing worshippers.
- During the service we will NOT pass offering plates from person to person; they will be set out at the rear of the sanctuary to receive your offerings.
- No nursery care will be provided.
- On Communion Sunday, the serving procedure will be altered to limit contact.
- There will be no “coffee time” (no food or drinks served) after the service. You can still enjoy conversations in Fellowship Hall as you maintain spacing.
(download a copy of these Health & Safety Rules HERE)