Clifton Park Community Church
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Thanks for taking a minute to complete this survey. We hope to learn from your replies, as we seek to chart the best course for Men's Ministry at CPCC.
Indicates required field
How many years have you been at CPCC?
0-2 years
2-5 years
Over 5 years
How many I.M.F. breakfasts have you attended?
Only once
A few (2-9)
Several (10+)
Almost all of them
If you attended few or no events, why is that? (check all that apply)
Saturday mornings were not a good time for me
I did not feel connected to guys at CPCC
I did not want to eat breakfast at CPCC
I'm not really interested in church-based men's events
Other [specify below]
Answer your "other" non-attendance reason here....
Why do you think OTHER men do not attend IMF events?
What event or ministry for men would you like to see at CPCC?
When is best for you to attend events? (check all that apply)
Saturday mornings
Monday evenings
Tuesday evenings
Thursday evenings
Friday evenings
This survey is ANONYMOUS, but if you'd like to meet with PDB and others to discuss our plans, please provide your name & contact info below: